June 8, 2020
Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God – Matthew 5:9
There is a huge difference between making peace and maintaining peace. It’s fairly easy to walk into a peaceful situation and do nothing to cause disturbance. It is something quite different to walk into a chaotic situation and create peace.
That is what a peacemaker does. They create peace in stressful situations. They speak peace when tempers are flaring. They demonstrate peace when others demonstrate hate and intolerance.
A peacemaker boldly, knowingly enters conflict and does what is right. Sometimes that requires speaking out. Sometimes that requires demonstration. Sometimes it requires humility and understanding. No matter what it requires, the peacemaker is willing to pay that price.
Here is the thing: peacemaking isn’t always peaceful. It can be uncomfortable, upsetting, and even fearful to fight for peace. Boldly calling things out, standing for what is right, and fighting against injustice isn’t always the picture of peace that we have in our minds. The person pushing for peace must fight a war within themselves and among those whom they are trying to bring peace to. The peacemaker has to fight their own urge to lash out, scream, and give in to their feelings, but they fight it to win for the greater good.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
This is the time for you to be a peacemaker. Start right there in your home. Make peace with your spouse. Address the necessary issues. Have the uncomfortable conversations. Fight your own urge to hide behind quiet and pursue peace. Create it in your home, and then go out to help create peace in this world.
It may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary.
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